Westfield voter calls on GOP candidates to participate in forums

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Dear Editor:

On Oct. 4, the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Hamilton County conducted a forum for State Senate and Representative candidates.

J.D. Ford, Josh Lowry, Joey Mayer, Matt McNally, and Victoria Garcia Wilburn attended. They are all Democrats. No Republicans attended.

If you go to the League’s website at LWVHCIN.org, you can find biographical information about the candidates along with their answers to a series of questions about the economy, law enforcement, gun policy, etc. At least I could for the Democrats running in my district. Very little, if anything, for the Republicans.

At the forum, each of the candidates answered questions not only about the issues listed above, but also about voting, marijuana, the environment, healthcare and inflation. I would have liked to have heard from the Republican candidates. In fact, I think it is a disservice to Indiana voters that they didn’t take the time to attend the forum. How am I supposed to learn about how a candidate stands on an issue if they refuse to attend a forum, or even answer written questions?

We all have busy lives, but if you want my vote, show up.

Monica Cannaley

4 Comments on "Westfield voter calls on GOP candidates to participate in forums"

  1. Completely agree.

  2. Why do people vote for politicians that won’t verbalize their positions? (That’s not representation.)

    • Because all it takes to get elected in Hamilton county is to have an ‘R’ by one’s name & be more closed-minded than the next guy with an ‘R’ by their name.
      Win the primary as a republican = win the office being contested.
      It’ll stay that way until voters insist on higher standards of behavior from their candidates.

  3. I agree. Susan Brooks took part in these forums when she was our representative.

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