Thankful Fishers folks enjoy Gobbler’s Jog

(From left) Anna Derr, McKenzie Barber, René Kougel, Dale Kougel and McKayla Barber. (Photo provided by Kirk Green)

It was a brisk, cold Thanksgiving morning just before 8 a.m. when over 1,000 participants gathered for the sixth annual Gobbler’s Jog in the Saxony area of Fishers. Many wore costumes, while others seemed to sport their favorite team playing for the bucket game on Saturday. Many in the community displayed their HSE or FHS apparel. Several had dogs and others had babies bundled in strollers. Participants walked, jogged, and a few ran, such as Top Male finisher Stephen Choc (16:12) and Top Female finisher Wiebke Schlender (21:11).

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Photo provided by Kirk Green