Rockin’ the Block, Westfield style

(Above left) Harry and Clay Dougherty, students at Maple Glen Elementary School, enjoyed snow cones at Westfield Rocks. (Above right) Preschool teacher Hannah Neher helped run the basketball goal at the Early Learning Center tent. (Reporter photos by Amy Adams)

Rock the Block was back even bigger and better this year. The Westfield Washington Schools second annual back-to-school bash welcomed thousands of community members who braved the heat last Friday night to gather at the Westfield High School soccer fields to enjoy live music, llamas, food trucks, and sweet treats.

Most of the more than 85 tents offered free games, goodies, and giveaways, as well as a plethora of information. Each of the 10 schools in the WWS district had its own tent, as well as around 25 school clubs and sports, and around 50 school support organizations, local activities, and community businesses. Some of the most popular draws included the Pride of Westfield Band performing a standstill version of their award-winning 2023 show “Uncharted,” the Care Closet Thrift Sale where every item cost only a quarter, and the walking tacos from Westfield Culinary Arts and SFE food truck.

Last year’s Rock the Block won the Westfield Chamber of Commerce Community Event of the Year, and this year’s event proved to be another success.

Rock the Block 2023-Sara Paul and Holly Foltz
Rock the Block 2023-Maryssa Foster and Linda McCoy
Rock the Block 2023-Maddy Metzger and Avery Mayen
Rock the Block 2023-Julia Kolodziejczyk
Rock the Block 2023-John Atha
Rock the Block 2023-girls varsity soccer team
Rock the Block 2023-Elija Tabler and Kelley Wells
Rock the Block 2023-BSA Troops
Rock the Block 2023-Ainsley Tolliver and Elizabeth Cox
Teachers Sara Paul and Holly Foltz took quite a few damp sponges to the face at the Westfield Intermediate School tent.

Reporter photos by Amy Adams