Release the quackin!

(From left) Reporter Publisher Stu Clampitt, Noblesville Main Street Executive Director Kate Baker, Kim Watson, and Noblesville attorney Zech Yoder show off The Reporter’s duck race tickets. (Reporter photo)

The Hamilton County Reporter Newspaper is throwing down the feathered gauntlet. We just bought 100 rubber ducky race tickets to support Noblesville Main Street’s (NMS) annual Duck Race and are challenging other businesses to do the same.

If The Reporter’s duckies win, the money will go to support The Feeding Team. NMS is itself a non-profit organization, so this could help two non-profits at once.

What other local businesses will step up next for a chance to double-duck-dip on donations? This is a nest-level way to give back. If your business buys a block of 100 of more ducky tickets, we will put you on the front page of Hamilton County’s Hometown Newspaper.

Last year Noblesville Magazine, Johnston & Co., Church Church Hittle + Antrim, and a pair of local philanthropists all stepped up to buy blocks of 100 each, and each named a charity they would donate to if they won.

This year we hope to grow the flock a little. Don’t get your feathers ruffled. Just waddle over to any NMS board member or email NMS Executive Director Kate Baker at to get your tickets.

Noblesville Race Weekend takes place on June 2 and 3 – kicking off with the Bed Race on Friday evening and the Duck Race on Saturday afternoon.

Anyone can buy a ticket (or tickets) for $5 each and have a chance to take home $1,000 for first place or $500 for second or third. The rubber duck drop will be at 1 p.m. Saturday. With 2,000 ducks in this race, anyone can be a winner!

How do you know The Reporter really is your hometown newspaper? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck . . .