Local officials await COVID relief rules


County and municipal government officials are awaiting guidelines on how massive COVID relief grants can be spent. The money, which begins coming to local entities on May 10, is designed to replace revenue lost because of the national pandemic.

Nationwide, about $1.9 trillion will be granted to government units, companies and individuals who suffered losses in the past year.

Little is yet known about the specific rules of where the funds can be spent. But, apparently one place it cannot be used is to replace any future local tax sources such as property tax and local income tax.

Hamilton County government and cities and towns within the county will be getting a total of well over $100 million. The local governments did not suffer the extreme financial hardship that some areas and their populations experienced.

County government will be getting $65.5 million, while the City of Noblesville is scheduled to receive slightly over $14 million, and Carmel $20.6 million.

When guidelines are received, county commissioners and city and town administrations may outline departments, recipients or qualifying projects for the funds. The money must then be appropriated by respective councils of the various units.