Bring joy to your workplace in 2024

As we move into this new year, I want to encourage you to think about something when it comes to your job.

Most people believe that happiness is something we arrive at versus create within ourselves. But folks, it’s up to us to change to a more joyful mindset – and to spread that joy to others, whether we’re at an entry level, middle, or top position in a company or organization. We can make a huge difference by doing quick, simple stuff each day to improve our workplaces.

Imagine spending those hours at work we talked about last week being happy and productive, making a difference in others’ lives, and showing the world just what an asset you are! There are surprisingly easy ways to do this, but they’re not taught in most schools. It all starts with a simple focus on bringing joy to the workplace.

I’ve been bringing joy to my workplaces for over 35 years. I have an innate enthusiasm and extensive training on how to spread it to others for the improvement of companies. Right out of college, I consistently broke sales records as the advertising director for a central Indiana newspaper due to my joyful interactions with customers.

As a customer service representative for a biotechnology company in Indianapolis, I frequently won Employee of the Month thanks to going above and beyond for my coworkers and customers.

My formal training on bringing joy to others began when I took the Dale Carnegie Human Relations Course in 1995. I was instantly hooked on the course’s principles. I moved on to become a graduate assistant for the class in 1996 and an instructor from 1998 to 2008.

I continued to “practice what I preached” to bring enthusiasm to my City of Noblesville teammates and the people we served, which was proven in 2009 when I received the City’s Stake in the Ground award. The common council gives this award – which is literally a wooden stake – to a city employee who makes a positive difference for the community and the municipality in general.

I’ve been pretty good at my various positions through the years, but almost all my current or former bosses will tell you that I was hired for each of them, and I succeeded in them, due to my enthusiasm. Yes, I’ve done my jobs well, but I’m not a genius. And, YOU don’t have to be a genius to make a difference.

This series will give you quick, easy tips you can use starting today in whatever position you’re in, whether you work in a factory, big box store, corporation, non-profit, etc. I’ll share real-life stories to show how you can be a more joyful person.

I’ll talk about how to spread that joy to your co-workers, customers, and those you network with. These stories come from my life and others and take place in non-profits, small companies, and global enterprises.

The series will also explain why it is so crucial for us to work on this joy almost every day. As 2024 begins, perhaps this can be a resolution we can keep in the new year!

Amy Shankland is a writer and fundraising professional living in Noblesville with her husband John, two sons, two dogs and a cat. You can reach her via email at