Westfield reader says city needs second-class status

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Dear Editor:

I urge the council and clerk-treasurer and all of Westfield to support passing Ordinance 22-23: Westfield, Indiana Adopting Second Class City Status.


There has been a discussion that this would dilute the citizens’ representation adding additional council persons. As a third-class city, each of us is now represented by one council member and two at-large members.

As a second-class city, each of us gets more representation in a district council member and three at-large members. That is an added member representing every citizen. More representation, not less.

Checks and Balances

There is nothing about checks and balances in the Clerk-Treasurer’s mandated duties. See Indiana Code 36-5-6-6.

In the seven months I have been on the Public Works and Safety Board reviewing contracts and projects from Public Works, Fire and Police departments, amounting to many millions of dollars, not once has the Clerk-Treasurer’s office ever discussed any financial issue. If they are supposed to function as a checks and balance on city spending, one would think they would have discussed, well, something with us.

With a city controller, appointed by the mayor and approved by the council, we would have a true professional financial manager with credentials and background working as a true CFO.

There are no qualification requirements other than getting elected. No educational or professional requirements, not even a bookkeeping background. How does this make sense? There is some on-the-job training required by the state: 36 hours over three years – 12 hours a year!

I submit, several of our current councilors are better prepared to be Clerk-Treasurer than our current Clerk-Treasurer. I believe Mr. Patton and Mr. Edwards both are or have been CPAs. Does the Clerk-Treasurer’s office have a CPA on staff? If they do, please let me know. Yes, they report to the Indiana State Board of Accounts, but that board can’t control or remove a Clerk-Treasurer for lack of qualifications.

What are the checks and balances on the Clerk-Treasurer’s office? We are now over a $100 million-a-year business; we need a professional fiscal manager who can be held immediately responsible to do their job.

I would like to see a staggered election cycle, and there is a way to do that. Like the state and federal Senate, maybe half, or better yet, one-third of the council would stand for election every two years. This is something the council needs to face, and some will have to stand for two-year terms to stagger the cycle.

Who will step up for the good of the city?

Larry Clarino
