Westfield HS seniors “Orange Out” to prevent teen dating violence

Prevail is excited to partner with Westfield High School in an “Orange Out” at the Feb. 20 boys basketball game to promote awareness of teen dating violence. Orange is the color of Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, which takes place during February. The game will start at 6 p.m. and feature special giveaways from Prevail for attendees.

One in three adolescents is a victim of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse from a dating partner; only 30 percent of these teens ever tell anyone else about the abuse. Dating violence during adolescence can have major long-term consequences, including increased risk of substance abuse, higher prevalence of eating disorders, anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation and a greater likelihood of being in an abusive relationship as an adult.

Educating young people about healthy relationships is one of the most effective methods of preventing dating violence. When kids know what they should expect in a healthy relationship, they are better prepared to recognize warning signs of abusive behavior. Kids can also influence their peers by calling out unhealthy behaviors or helping friends find resources like Prevail.

Prevail and Westfield High School are organizing several additional events and activities aimed at reducing teen dating violence, including a Parent Awareness Night on Feb. 21.

For more information, contact Kelly Growden, Primary Prevention Specialist, at kgrowden@prevailinc.com or (317) 773-6942.

About Prevail, Inc.

Prevail is dedicated to serving victims of crime and abuse in Hamilton and surrounding counties. We are committed to offering our services, free of charge, in a confidential, supportive, non-judgmental environment that is meant to empower, educate and strengthen those we serve. Visit PrevailInc.com to learn more. You can reach Prevail’s 24-Hour Crisis Line at 317-776-3472.