Perk up your technology & music at work

Many of us work with a computer, laptop, tablet, or other mobile device. No matter what you use, you want to apply some of the same principles that we talked about for your physical work environment to bring you joy.

Are your computer files and documents well organized so it’s easy to find what you need? How does your email look? Do you have hundreds of messages in your inbox versus organized into folders? Do you have a good system for saving documents other than throwing them on your desktop (shudder)?

Decluttering your device is essential. You can organize your files in many ways, including keeping everything in “the cloud” with Google Drive. Techlicious, Microsoft, Huffington Post, and others have articles online to help you discover the system that works best.

Once you organize the inside of your device, make sure the outside looks good. Are you one of those “sticky note” people who like to plaster the perimeter of their screen with reminders? I’m talking about the actual paper, not the program you can use in your device.

Instead of multiple sticky notes, I use a combination of phone alarms and Outlook to remind me of appointments and tasks. Some friends of mine still use good old paper planners. You must discover what works for you.

Once you’ve organized your computer or device inside and out, what do you see when you first login every day? Since you’re looking at this device for several hours each day, why not make it something motivating, beautiful, or inspiring? Or cute. You can’t go wrong with cute, unless it’s not right for a professional environment.

Your computer or device has wallpapers you can choose from. You can also find thousands of options that are easy to download from the Internet (just make sure they’re safe!).

Another way to lift your work surroundings is through music. It’s probably one of the top things I use to stay joyful. It moves me and makes me feel a myriad of emotions. It’s no wonder that I, like many people, often work at my computer while listening to music. states that, when used strategically, music can increase your productivity. In a noisy open office environment, slipping on some headphones or putting in earbuds can help you focus better on your tasks.

What if you’re on your feet with a more physically demanding job? Even better! For years my husband John was in the bicycle retail and repair business. Listening to music helped motivate him and his friends when they were doing repairs in the back of the shop. It also led to some laughter and raised eyebrows when customers would find them dancing as they worked!

Music can help not just employees, but customers as well. The City of Noblesville partnered with Noblesville Main Street years ago to start playing music over loudspeakers throughout our historic downtown district during the holidays.

The reason for this change? The partners knew that the right music puts people in good moods, creates a brand for a store or shopping area, attracts customers, and increases sales and revenue. Main Street received loads of positive feedback about it.

What if you’re not a “music” person? I’m good friends with someone like this and she is one of the sweetest people I know. So, us music people must respect non-music people (and vice versa!). This is where those headphones and earbuds come in handy.

White noise, which is like a fan running, is also helpful in a shared office space. According to Sydney University, white noise and its relatives, pink and brown noises, can help mask sounds and increase concentration.

I use pink noise thanks to an app on my phone at night to help me sleep to block out tinnitus. Many apps are free or low-cost to help you experiment with different soothing sounds that help your workspace be more pleasant and productive.

You can work together with others in your shared space to find the right combination for everyone. I encourage you to experiment with either music or white noise to find the right formula to help soothe, motivate, and move you to do your joyful best!

Amy Shankland is a writer and fundraising professional living in Noblesville with her husband John, two sons, two dogs and a cat. You can reach her via email at