Farmers Bank in Fishers offers peace of mind with free shred day

Are you overwhelmed with papers you would like to get rid of? Do you have old tax documents, bank statements, credit card solicitations, medical records, and other personal documents needing to be destroyed? Then join The Farmers Bank for its annual Free Community Shred Day.

The shred day will take place from 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 21 at the Farmers Bank Fishers Office, 7126 E. 116th St.

Consumers and small business owners can securely destroy sensitive paper documents quickly, efficiently and free of charge. All documents will be shredded on-site. You don’t need to remove papers from file folders, take out staples or remove paperclips as they can run through the shredder. Participants will be able to watch their documents be destroyed and leave with peace of mind, knowing their personal information will not get into the wrong hands. Once the documents are shredded, they are then recycled.

Any documents or media that display account numbers or social security numbers could lead to identity theft and should be properly shredded. It is recommended that you shred the following items: Financial statements, credit applications, insurance records, physician statements, checks, employment applications, and credit card receipts and solicitations.

The Farmers Bank’s annual Free Community Shred Days provide a great opportunity for everyone to do three great things at once. You can protect the environment, protect your privacy, and add room to your home by getting rid of all those documents.

“At The Farmers Bank we are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information to protect you from identity theft and scams,” President/CEO Karen F. Gregerson said. “We are pleased to offer these annual events as a tool for both our customers and the community to be proactive in keeping their personal information secure.”

Important info

  • Please DO NOT bring your shred items in plastic bags.
  • There is a maximum limit of five boxes/bags of paper per vehicle.
  • The free community shred event will end once the shred truck is full.
  • To properly maintain social distancing, everyone is asked to remain in their vehicles and bank staff will take the documents for shredding.

For further information about the Free Community Shred Day Event in Fishers, call (317) 841-5960.