MLK event aims to unite community

On Monday, Jan. 15, the Noblesville community will gather to honor the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Everyone is invited to join in this show of unity and community. The experience will include music from the choirs of Noblesville High School, Bethel AME Church and Noblesville First United Methodist Church. The event will be held in the Sanctuary at Noblesville First United Methodist, 2051 Monument St., beginning at 7 p.m. Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear will be in attendance as well as the pastors from a number of other congregations.

The event was born over lunch with Rev. Mallory Tarrance of Noblesville’s Bethel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church and Pastor Jerry Rairdon of Noblesville First United Methodist Church.

“On April 4, 1968, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., known as “The Dreamer”, was assassinated in Memphis, Tenn., by an individual that was part of a movement that wanted to stop Dr. King’s fight for equality for all people, especially for African Americans,” explained Rev. Tarrance. “It has been rightfully said that the assassin may have killed “The Dreamer” but he did not kill the dream. On Monday, Jan. 15, we will gather as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and children of God to celebrate the life of Dr. King, and not necessarily those things that separated us over the past years. But we are reminded that after 50 years the fight for equality still lives on. Today more than ever the dream lives on!”

“Given the racial makeup of the Noblesville community,” Rev. Rairdon commented, “we may not feel coming together as a community to recognize the contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is that important. But we are part of a larger regional community that is having significant problems and we need to be part of the solution because what is good for the region is good for Noblesville. This service is one step towards building the relationships we need to be part of the solution. Another good reason to come together is to live out here on earth what will be true in heaven. On Jan. 15, we will experience a slice of heaven as we celebrate our unity in the midst of our diversity.”

Those who attend the event are encouraged to bring canned goods to donate to the White River Food Pantry. Childcare will be provided for ages four and under.