Fishers reader calls on Rep. Spartz to help reauthorize Alzheimer’s research & support

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Dear Editor:

The progress we have made in the fight to end Alzheimer’s would not have been possible without bipartisan Congressional support, and this November I am thankful to work with Representative Victoria Spartz in honor of my mother and so many other victims.

Alzheimer’s disease is devastating – not only for the more than six million Americans living with the disease, but also for the 11 million family and friends serving as caregivers. Here in Indiana there are over 216,000 family caregivers. I was one of these caregivers. My family was the minority who was able to provide some “in home” care.

As an Alzheimer’s Association volunteer advocate, I am thankful to share my story and work with my elected officials to bring more attention to this critical issue.

By volunteering as an advocate for the Alzheimer’s Association, I am using my voice to make a difference against this disease that has and is affecting so many in our community and worldwide.

The National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease – which aims to increase research, enhance care, expand supports, and reduce risk (among others) – will expire soon if Congress doesn’t renew its commitment to the Alzheimer’s crisis in America.

The NAPA Reauthorization Act will promote healthy aging, increase risk reduction, and reduce health disparities.

The Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act will ensure that Congress continues to hear directly from the scientists at the National Institutes of Health about the funding needed for Alzheimer’s research.

Since passage of the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act, funding for Alzheimer’s and dementia research is $3.4 billion annually. Passage of the Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act will ensure these levels of funding continue.

We can’t risk losing the progress we’ve made. Please join me in asking to cosponsor and support the NAPA Reauthorization Act and the Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act.

That’s why I’m calling on my Representative Victoria Spartz to cosponsor and support the NAPA Reauthorization Act and the Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act to continue prioritizing Alzheimer’s and all other dementia.

It’s time to reauthorize these bills to keep up our momentum in the fight to End Alzheimer’s and All Other Dementia. Please join me in asking Representative Victoria Spartz to cosponsor and support the NAPA Reauthorization Act and the Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act.

Together, we are changing the trajectory of Alzheimer’s and all other dementia – but we can’t stop now.

Kyle Hoffman