Celebrate Earth Day with sustainable living

American households generate about 250 million tons of trash a year, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an average of 4.4 pounds per person each day. Much of this waste ends up in landfills, where it leads to a host of environmental problems. What can you do to help? Start by finding ways to reduce waste in your own home. It will not only help the environment, but might save you money as well. The following are some practical steps to take.

Reduce. The best way to start reducing waste is to avoid collecting things you do not need or want in the first place. Ask yourself if you have the time for all of the newspapers, catalogs and magazines you subscribe to. Check out books from the local library instead of purchasing them. If you take a good look around your home and at your buying habits, you can probably find numerous things you can easily do without.

Reuse. Reusing items instead of throwing them away will substantially reduce your household waste. Old towels and clothing make great rags for cleaning and other chores. Wash and reuse glass and plastic jars, milk jugs and other containers. Look for other creative ways to make use of things that otherwise would end up in the trash.

Maintain and repair. Purchase quality furniture, clothing and appliances that will stand the test of time. Maintaining appliances and equipment according to the manufacturers’ guidelines will help extend their life. Repair equipment and mend clothing, shoes, handbags and other household items whenever possible.

Minimize packaging. Buy items with little or no packaging, or with refillable containers. Purchase goods in bulk or in concentrated form—such as concentrated laundry detergent.

Recycle. When you have done all you can to reduce waste, recycle. Give old clothing and other household items in good condition to a local charitable organization. Recycle other items, such as newspapers or magazines, you cannot find a use for. If your community does not have a recycling program, consider starting one.

Buy recycled. Close the loop by looking for products with recycled content, including glass, paper, metal and plastic. You can also find furniture, tools, automotive parts and building materials made from recycled products. Labels should indicate whether recycled content is pre-consumer or post-consumer. Pre-consumer is waste from a manufacturing process, whereas post-consumer waste is collected from community or business recycling programs.

Conserve energy. Energy is a precious resource that should not be wasted. Little things can make a big difference; turn off lights and electronics when they are not in use, adjust the thermostat at night or when you are not at home. Consider installing solar water heaters or geothermal heat pumps that use renewable energy from the sun and earth. Click here to get more tips: Save Energy & Money.

See Reduce, Reuse, Recycle from the EPA for more tips on how you can reduce waste at home, at work and in your community.