
Powerless in Noblesville

It was 5 a.m. on Friday. I woke up and felt powerless . . . actually, I was powerless. And the thunder rolls, the lightning strikes and we lost power….

Things are looking up around here

The County Line Our readers may have noticed some great aerial photos recently of various events in Hamilton County. Those pictures were taken from a drone and it may become…

Around the county in 500 words

The County Line The following are a few news items your County Line writer has picked up around the county this past week and thought our readers might like to…

Alaska fun

I have been fortunate to travel quite a bit due to playing both golf and basketball in college and then being involved in the car business as an adult. However,…

Kenley leaves big shoes to fill

Luke Kenley’s decision to retire from the State Senate is a real loss for Hamilton County and the entire state. I respect his decision to leave state service after a…