Powerless in Noblesville

It was 5 a.m. on Friday. I woke up and felt powerless . . . actually, I was powerless.

And the thunder rolls, the lightning strikes and we lost power.

I stumbled in the dark to the bathroom using my smart phone as a flashlight. I quickly brushed my teeth with the electric tooth brush as I knew the charge would die soon.

I then opened the front door and saw that the lights were on across the street. How come they had electricity? Power has no favorites.

I thought, well I’ll just wait this out and watch the lightning as it lit up the almost dawn sky. The thunder would not allow me to go back to sleep. It wanted my full attention. It told me so . . . loudly.

And so I waited.

I decided I needed my morning coffee. Ugh. Forget that. No power. No Keurig.

I checked Facebook and it seemed that many of us here in inner-city northside Noblesville were in the dark.

I went into my closet three times and turned up the light switch. Habit.

I looked in the mirror as by then there was enough light in the sky to check out my hair. No power. No shampooing my hair. No hairdryer. Well at least I didn’t have the Kramer look but my hair did look like a dry mop that had just had a crew cut. Flat.

I turned on the hot water. No power. No hot water. Well that woke up my face. COLD!

Chuck and I have yoga on Friday mornings at LA Fitness. I hated to miss it so I just hoped I wouldn’t run into anyone who knew me. I was glad that the room was dark. My daughter gives me a hard time about wearing make-up and having my hair styled whenever I go to the gym. Emily would have been proud of me today. It wasn’t pretty but I went to the gym. I sweated with the oldies and the young ones. By the end of class my hair was a wet mop.

As I walked into Ginger’s Cafe I wanted to hold up a sign that said, “I had no power this morning, excuse the way I look.” Chuck reassured me that I looked fine. He does love me.

We returned home about noon and we had electricity. Some six hours without all that I take for granted. I would not have been a good early pioneer settler.

I washed my hair and put on my makeup. I was so happy. I had my power back! I was ready to face the world. I know the world was happy about that as well.

Thank you Duke Energy guys for giving me back my power. You guys ROCK!