Carmel reader has long laundry list of complaints

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Editor’s note: The numerous hyperlinks in this Letter to the Editor are the work of the author, Eric Morris.

Dear Editor:

How’s this for the roundabout of political payola?

I know Justin Moffett does not want to pay taxes on his commercial projects since non-political Justin TIFs most of his projects, but he is more than glad to pay $3,000 to the lobbyist organization that promoted higher taxes for school “safety.”

I know Jim Brainard still does not know how to file a campaign finance report properly, yet he expects that all his multimillion-dollar government projects will pencil out to the penny. I know that prosecutor Lee Buckingham will do nothing about Brainard’s transgressions, but now I also know the county’s chief law enforcement officer cannot pay his own county property taxes on time. Maybe we should give him a TIF District for his “public service.”

Speaking of government attorneys, I know Carmel’s attorney Doug Haney approves the invoices for his wife’s work for the city. Honey, I mean Haney, please pass the mustard and the invoice.

And I know that the person that wants to replace an actual decent Republican, Senator Spartz, overbribed Scott Fadness by $6,000, and Scott had to send it back to Scott Baldwin’s front for government skimming, Envoy. How very Catholic of him! Maybe he’ll give the $6,000 to charity.

Speaking of bribes, my good friend Brian Bosma got nice money from Carmel to gerrymander a district away from Matt Milam, which created an opening for a Democrat to get elected in Carmel. In exchange for that nice project, the Speaker’s firm gave $500 to Sue Finkham to defeat another Democrat.

Until the next episode of “As the Cronyism Spins a-round-the-bouts” (art sold separately).


Eric Morris


4 Comments on "Carmel reader has long laundry list of complaints"

  1. I hope this guy has proof to back up all his accusations. Otherwise he might be sued for slander. He really should have consulted a lawyer! He sounds like the democrats going after trump

  2. Marsha, I was a lawyer. Gave up my license voluntarily. These are all public figures. You can look up the general definition of bribe, versus a criminal definition, for yourself. Many people, including me, believe that campaign finance is a form of bribery (something that serves to induce or influence) that has been specifically legalized. I personally think most of the campaign finance laws and quid pro quo statutes should be abolished, and then honest candidates would disclose voluntarily what they do and why they do it—including because someone sent them a check. But that would take an honest and well-informed electorate.

    The proof you mentioned is all the links I have provided, by the way. Did you click on and review? If so, and you have found me to be in error, please let me know, and I’ll be glad to ask the editor to alter the letter accordingly.

    Finally, to skim means means to remove the best or most easily obtainable contents from. In government contracts, contractors get to remove the most easily obtainable profits from the taxpayers, or otherwise they’d try to remove more easily obtainable profits from other business ventures.

    Do you really believe many of these entities and people give these politicians money because they are great people or because it is the highest return on their money? A corporation, partnership, and LLC owes duties to its owners, not to the general public.

  3. Are you serious Marsha? Everything he brought up has a link to the documented evidence.

  4. Great letter Eric.

    I’m guessing Marsha has no clue that by clicking the blue sentences should would have been
    Sent to a website with the facts.

    Also guessing she still wouldn’t care!

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