Applicants seek $70M in Rescue Plan Act funds


Hamilton County officials have received 109 applications for funds from the American Rescue Act grant of $65.5 million received from the federal government. The money is designed to compensate local government agencies, small businesses and non-profit community assistance organizations for losses suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The applications total $70,041,611. Thus, not everyone is going to get all that they requested, but most will benefit substantially. This became clearer Wednesday when county commissioners and council members gathered to review applications from small business owners. No final decisions were made but will likely be known next week when officials meet again.

The huge relief grant comes in two parts: $32.7 million this year and the same amount in June of next year. The grant was made to county government while millions more were given to Hamilton County’s eight cities and towns, based largely on population.

County government agencies and offices are seeking $10.9 million, with about half of this already approved for massive drainage improvements, parks and other county operated facilities and services.

Sixty-one private businesses have applied for $6.75 million. No awards have been granted pending more investigation. Action is likely to be taken on these applications on Dec. 14.

Thirty-nine non-profits and charitable groups within the county have applied for $19.2 million with three approvals granted for $3.3 million so far. A decision on the remaining 36 requests is expected next week.