Westfield reader responds to Aasen’s column on environmental protection

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Dear Editor:

I do not like criticizing Carmel City Councilor Adam Aasen for his opinion in the Hamilton County Reporter on July 12 – but he is misinformed on climate issues.

I am qualified in that I have a science degree in Forestry from Purdue and have been an environmentalist for decades and have studied climate cycles ever since Al Gore made a fool of himself with his fraudulent book and movie.

There are climate cycles but are caused by the Sun’s cycles of sunspots and solar flares. These sunspots and solar flares are on about a 12-year cycle. Sunspots cause cooling, and solar flares cause warming. The Earth has a much longer cycle – perhaps 50 years of wobble that brings the Earth closer to the Sun.

Tornadoes and hurricanes were more common in the early 1900s, but smaller and fewer towns resulted in far less damage. We even had a threatened ice age in the 1970s.

There has NOT been a climate researcher – there have been thousands – who has reported that CO2 causes warming. In fact, most of our plants evolved centuries ago when CO2 parts per million was many times than it is today.

Carbon is fertilizer and greatly causes greater production of farm products worldwide. Now the other side of the issue – particulate matter. There has been a recent individual volcano that has put out more particulates than we have in all of our existence. Still there is a need for fossil fuels to have their smoke filtered just to protect our lungs. Natural gas and nuclear generators can solve this – really, they can and do, to some extent.

Electric cars cause more damage than do modern autos. They are much heavier – thus damaging the roads. Their batteries are made in China – something to avoid. I’d prefer hybrid cars.

I suggest you subscribe to H. Sterling Burnett of the Heritage Foundation for monthly factual reports on climate cycles. You will find that climate alarmists use manmade climate warming as a political tool.

Mic Mead

2 Comments on "Westfield reader responds to Aasen’s column on environmental protection"

  1. “There has NOT been a climate researcher – there have been thousands – who has reported that CO2 causes warming.”


  2. Thank you

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