Reader calls for protection of Sheridan business in face of parking lot project

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Dear Editor:

Parking! This always seems to be an issue for small towns. There are not always easy or inexpensive answers. But tying up a piece of property is not always the answer. You can turn pieces of land into sheets of asphalt, but does that generate property taxes? Don’t property taxes increase the revenue of a town? Then there is the environmental/stormwater question.

Now let’s address the Sheridan town website and the values stated on the home page: “… local values for education, shared vision and values for good work and the long history of businesses making progress in our town.”

Does the plan to acquire a piece of property owned by a business follow such values? It does not seem to. Is the property owned by Chef Karyn LLC the only parking option you have? These thoughts are being sent to you, the Town Council, and also to members of your RDC, EDC, and EAC. The RDC especially has an obligation and responsibility given to it by state law to generate tax revenue. This revenue is to be used to promote economic development. So what should be better from the RDC’s perspective, promoting a business or a parking lot?

Now to the grant. The FHL Bank of Indianapolis, awarded Chef Karyn LLC an Elevate Small Business Grant 2023. This is awarded to help small businesses throughout Indiana and Michigan. From the grant website: “We believe that strong small businesses generate more economic opportunities for everyone.”

Does any board or commission for the Town of Sheridan plan on applying for any grants in the future? How will this lack of support for a grant winner come across? Would any organization want to award a grant to the Town?

This business should be protected, promoted, and celebrated by all!

Linda Monk
Former RDC member
Danville, Ind.