Prevail Executive Director issues ‘Gratitude Challenge’

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Dear Editor:

As I go about my daily routine, I often forget the reason why we do what we do. I am reminded to slow down and relish in the moment, appreciating those around me.

With this being the season of giving and gratitude, this is the time where I pause and take notice of everything happening around me. I remind myself of the importance of appreciating the people who not only support me, but inspire me.

I take an intentional moment and realize the overwhelming feeling of all the amazing staff, volunteers, donors, and community partners who champion Prevail’s mission. I am grateful to be surrounded by a passionate team of dedicated staff that make Prevail a better place.

Volunteers, donors, and community partners are always asking what they can do to support our wonderful organization. The simple answer: Prevail needs your continued support! Our need for assistance is greater than ever before because our resources are limited.

Giving Tuesday is a wonderful time of year to give back to Prevail. Your gift, no matter the size, helps make a difference in the lives of those that we serve. Your dollars help fund support groups for children, teens and adults, as well as interpreter services, snacks for our clients, gas and grocery cards and so much more.

Please join me in participating in our Gratitude Challenge by donating to Prevail. In this time of giving thanks, I’d like to give a big THANKS to our generous donors for believing in Prevail. I am grateful to you all in helping us to meet those needs.

Tami Wanninger, MPA
Executive Director
Prevail, Inc.