The Carmel Fire Auxiliary does amazing work in and around the Carmel community. The Auxiliary performs community outreach in a variety of ways.
One way is the support of Carmel Community AEDs. An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.
Most recently, the Auxiliary has worked toward getting AED stations installed along Carmel’s trail network and in Carmel Clay Parks locations.
The Auxiliary also supports the Safe Haven Baby Box Fund. The baby boxes are part of the Safe Haven Movement, offering desperate mothers a way to surrender their newborns anonymously for adoption. Carmel’s Baby Box is located at Station No. 45, 10701 N. College Ave.
Most people in the area are familiar with the Auxiliary’s Community Assistance Program (CAP). This year the program was able to provide a holiday meal and pantry items for 175 families, along with presents for the children of those families.
The Auxiliary also supports programs such as the Firefighter for a Day Camp, Public Safety Day, and Medical Supplies for Ukraine, as well as providing firefighter/family support. It hosts pancake breakfasts twice a year so the families of Carmel firefighters can get to know each other. It sponsors a CarmelFest parade float for the Carmel Police Department’s (CFD) mascot Sparky and passes out candy along the route. It also supports the CFD Peer Support Team by sponsoring training events.
Currently, the Auxiliary is actively working on two projects. The first is for the Hoosier Burn Camp. The Auxiliary is collecting gently used or new purses for their purse pull at the Hoosier Burn Camp Masquerade Ball coming up in February. Find out more about the event, hosted by Colts interim coach Jeff Saturday and his wife, by visiting

Meijer Supermarket’s donation of $10,000 to the Carmel Fire Department Auxiliary will help the organization continue its important programs that serve the people of Carmel and Clay Township. (Photo provided by Carmel Fire Department)
Hoosier Burn Camp is an opportunity for young people who have suffered the physical and emotional trauma associated with a severe burn injury to be ‘just one of the kids’ in a safe and supportive environment.
The Indiana Diaper Bank also benefits from the efforts of the CFD Auxiliary. Diaper bins are located at each Carmel fire station, and a diaper drive was held during the month of December.
To aid the Auxiliary in its efforts, Meijer Supermarket donated $10,000 to the Carmel Fire Auxiliary on Dec. 13.
“This donation is specifically geared toward the programs the Auxiliary supports all year long,” said Renee Butts, Public Education Officer for CFD and President of the Auxiliary. “We are so grateful for Meijer. It is through companies like Meijer that the Carmel Fire Auxiliary is able to continue to have an even greater outreach for our community and have a bigger impact!”
If you would like to assist the CFD Auxiliary by making a donation, you can send a check payable to CFD Auxiliary, Inc., 2 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. If you want to be specific in the area you are donating to, indicate the area in the memo line. You can also directly contribute to the AED campaign by visiting or the Baby Box fund by visiting