Joe Weingarten: Trump attempting to steal election

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Dear Editor:

In response to the letter from Ms. Mari Briggs claiming that Joe Biden stole the election, when the actual attempt to steal the election is being done by Donald Trump …

So far, President Trump’s actions to prove fraud has resulted in failure because it does not exist. In recent court cases one after another he and his campaign has seen these cases thrown out of court or dropped by his own lawyers. Instead he tried to get Republican lawmakers in Michigan to overturn the legal certification of votes. Again, failure on his part to change a legal election. Let’s look at the election suits state by state:

Arizona – Cases dismissed. Audit found no discrepancies, and in another case a judge found that any number of ballots in question were two small to make any difference.

Georgia – Republican Governor certified the vote after a judge denied a request to halt certification.

Michigan – Claims that observers were prevented from observing and two canvassers who approved the vote wanted to change their position. Observers were allowed and the two canvassers dropped their suit.

Nevada – Trump’s campaign is still trying to block Nevada’s results. The same arguments that dead people voted, observers weren’t allowed, and people on Indian territories were given incentives to vote. Then another lawsuit to block certification was thrown out of court. A hearing on the first suit is set for Dec. 1. But the three Electoral College votes would not make any difference.

Pennsylvania – That six counties allowed people to correct mail in ballots such as a signature mismatch. (BTW – this is done right here in Hamilton County.) The number of votes they claim were corrected are far too few to change the outcome.  Then a suit by Rudy Giuliani of wild unsupported claims of a nationwide conspiracy by Democrats to steal the election.

Wisconsin – The Trump campaign wants to throw out tens of thousands of absentee ballots in two Democratic counties. One county has already denied his request and the second will finish a recount hopefully by Wednesday.

If Democrats were so smart how come they didn’t get rid of all the Republican Senators and Representatives.

Donald Trump is the one trying to steal the election and trying to prevent the newly elected president from taking over the government and Ms. Mari Briggs you should be very concerned because this is the same as trying to overthrow the government and form a dictatorship.

Joe Weingarten

Hamilton County Democratic Party Chair

2 Comments on "Joe Weingarten: Trump attempting to steal election"

  1. Mr. Weingarten,
    I was astonished with your headline of “Trump attempting to steal the election” But after a thought, I realized that is the mantra of the Democratic Party. The party has flip flopped “what was right is now wrong, and what was wrong is now right.” So there is no surprise here. I did view former Mayor Giuliani’s involvement during a three hour session with Pennsylvania’s witnesses at the polling sites and the Republican Legislative members. Everyone in the room was angry with what had happened during the Pennsylvania voting on November 3rd which was filled with election fraud. The other states courts may have thrown out cases where the fraud happened but I believe it is not over yet. Consider the judges who may have thrown out the cases. They are most likely Obama appointees. Our president was cheated out of his rightful win and as with any cheated person, he has the right to fight back. I would do the same.

  2. In the Pennsylvania case ; all three judges on the 3rd circuit court of appeals that heard the case are GOP appointed.
    Judge Stephanos Bibas, who wrote the courts opinion on the matter is a Trump administration appointee.
    The courts tend to care about details like evidence when considering a claimants case. None has been presented before any court.

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