
Can’t make it up

We often say in the office you can’t make these stories up. One time a friend, who was to provide cooking services at the Strawtown Auction Mart, was unable to…

New year, new me?

As we begin the new year each year, our minds are often in renewal mode. In the past, I found that I had this magnified motivation to want to change…

My kids’ grandpa

I never thought of myself as someone who was going to have a stepparent. I grew up with a very solid and traditional family nucleus; I knew my parents would…

New Year’s financial resolutions

Now that we’ve reached 2024, you might be thinking about your goals and hopes for the new year. But in addition to whatever personal resolutions you might make – volunteering,…

The parable of the hanky

Be Still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 Stay with me on this story while I take you down a church aisle and into a pew to get…