Driverless cars are here to stay
By TOM ADLER Guest Columnist A couple months ago my wife and I were leaving the Warriors game in San Francisco, and we decided to catch a ride in a…
Read MoreBy TOM ADLER Guest Columnist A couple months ago my wife and I were leaving the Warriors game in San Francisco, and we decided to catch a ride in a…
Read MoreThere are so many things I love and am grateful for from all corners of my life. I so often hear and read about the importance of acknowledging your gratitude…
By VERONIQUE DUPREY A Seat on the Aisle I had the pleasure of attending opening night of Violet, the Musical at the Switch Theater in Fishers, presented by Carmel Community…
By VICTORIA SPARTZ Representing You According to the media and the failed foreign policy establishment, you either support giving Ukraine an unlimited blank check written by American taxpayers while America’s…
One of my writing challenges is telling a story in as few words as possible. And so it was that when my husband read last week’s column about embracing both…
Note: Next month will mark the fourth anniversary of the death of one of our greatest singer-songwriters, John Prine, who succumbed to COVID-19. Prine, along with Jimmy Buffett and Gordon…
By FRED GLASS & NEIL STEFFENS Guest Columnists The faces of hunger may surprise you. Many who need assistance are middle-class families, the working poor, children, and the elderly. No…
There is good and not-so-good news in this legislative session. There are several bills headed for the governor’s signature. With a scheduled adjournment of March 14, 2024, there is little…
Many of us work with a computer, laptop, tablet, or other mobile device. No matter what you use, you want to apply some of the same principles that we talked…
Welcome to the Timesheet. This column is a report of work done on behalf of the people of Hamilton County. It’s to be informative, too – a place to learn…