
Strong because I am weak

A few weeks ago, I was once again headed to my regular neurology appointment. I dread those appointments because it’s a hike from the car to the office. Often, I…

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Things I love, part 2

I am fortunate enough to have so much in my life that I am grateful that I simply could not consolidate it to one column. I wrote a couple of…

The art of eavesdropping

My name is Janet … and I’m an eavesdropper. The one question I get most is, “Janet, where do you get all the topics you write about?” After 18 years…

What the puck? Octopus-gate!

By ABBEY BROWN DOYLE Guest Columnist I’m doing my normal procrastinating from going to bed by mindlessly doomscrolling on the ‘Book, and I come upon a hockey video. I see…