
Raising chickens

My great-grandmother Howard passed down instructions on raising chickens. Here are her instructions: All livestock requires seven-day-per-week, 365- or 366-day-a-year care. Owner is tied to home base or has substitute…

Bridging the gap

I feel there is often a divide between the disabled community and the non-disabled community. It’s this push/pull thing that I have observed throughout my lifetime. An “us against them”…

Which weighs more: truth or doubt?

The Hyperion Theatre’s latest endeavor, John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt: A Parable, opening today, Jan. 25, owns many accolades including the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for…

Words of affirmation

You’re meant for this. How do you say I love you without saying I love you? A simple text. Words that hug the heart. And so, while I was at…

All about Axolotls

By ELLIE O’BANION Sheridan High School Student This column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School dual-credit program students and Human Services teacher Abby Williams. Axolotls are Mexican Amphibians,…