
Indiana: it’s Motorsports Heaven

Without a doubt Indianapolis, and Indiana more broadly, is the heart of motorsports racing. Sure, Florida has Daytona, and North Carolina has NASCAR, and Southern California built the hot rod…

Spread the Lasagna Love!

On a dark, snowy February evening in 2022, the “empty nester blues” hit me hard. Both of my sons were away at college and my husband John was working that…

Master of planning

I would call myself a master planner. I do not mean at planning big events, outings, or vacations. I mean I am a daily master planner. As a disabled person,…

His masterpiece

Here’s another story from my mother, Dorothy Howard Adler. Son was growing up. He learned rapidly and relished his farm chores. Many of them were routine but now and again…

No, I get to

I recently came across a video of a motivational speaker and principal named Gerry Brooks who was on a business trip and ended up getting stuck overnight in the city…

The valley of anticipatory grief

Recently, I was asked by my writer/author/podcaster friend, Lisa Appelo, to share some thoughts on grief with her readers. She knows the pain and storm of grief after suddenly losing…