
Financial tips for the self-employed

By COREY SYLVESTER Cicero Edward Jones Being self-employed has some benefits: You get to choose your own hours, you don’t have to count “vacation days” and you’ll never worry about…

When your oldest moves out . . .

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched My column last week glossed over a topic that I’m sure many of us in the sandwich generation face with a mixture of joy and dread…

Your words really matter

By JANET HART LEONARD From the Heart “She’s a pretty little girl, just a bit pudgy.” Can I tell you I hate the word “pudgy”? I was maybe eight or…

Memorial Day traditions

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched I can’t help but be excited about the upcoming holiday weekend. Memorial Day has always been special to me. It’s become more important and emotional as…