
Childhood development

By LIBERTY COYLE-PADDACK Sheridan Student Column The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams. Have you ever had…

Don’t buy “pretty” Medicare plans

By SYLVIA GORDON Guest Columnist People see TV and print ads touting “FREE Groceries” or “UP TO $100 Back” in your Social Security check each month. These types of benefits…

Jessica Sue Campbell

July 22, 1996 – September 8, 2022 Jessica Sue Campbell, 26, Noblesville, passed away early Thursday morning, September 8, 2022, after a hard-fought battle against ovarian cancer. Jessica passed away…

Examining my adoption records

By AMY SHANKLAND Perfectly Imperfect As my adoption and reunion story continues, I’ve changed some names, places, and dates. It felt nearly impossible to get through the rest of my…

Lawyerspeak & contranyms

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Lease is a confusing contranym. It’s a word that can have opposite meanings. When one person leases an apartment, he is the landlord while another…