Carmel voter: No better choice than Sue Finkam

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Dear Editor:

There is no better choice for Mayor than Sue Finkam. I can attest to her ability to lead teams, embrace other opinions, and get things done – evidenced by the 15 years I have worked for her.

Sue has your back.

There have been many times where Sue has advocated for the teams she has led. When resources were needed, Sue always had our back and made it happen. When it comes to ensuring Carmel has the resources it needs, Sue will get it done.

Sue listens.

Sue always listens intentionally, genuinely, and fairly to ensure voices are heard. She doesn’t hide from tough conversations. It’s crucial to vote for the candidate with your best interests at heart – not their own. That’s Sue.

Sue leads.

Sue prioritizes crisis planning to ensure an effective and immediate plan is in place to protect the communities and companies she serves. Sue gives peace of mind that she and her team are prepared for anything.

Carmel needs a mayor who has a successful track record of leading companies and this community. With her past executive roles and current role as councilwoman, I know there’s no one more fit for Carmel Mayor than Sue.

Dawn Bonnell