AG Rokita wins round in defending state’s sovereignty against EPA



Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has won a round in the legal fight to protect Indiana’s sovereignty against what he calls the federal overreach of the Biden administration’s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

He and 23 likeminded attorneys general successfully obtained a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of an EPA rule redefining “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act.

The new Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule would force Indiana landowners to beg the permission of federal bureaucrats before using their own property in ways deemed to impact certain ponds, streams, ditches, or other wet areas of ground.

“With our lawsuit, we aim to protect Hoosiers’ jobs, property and freedom from the Biden administration’s excessive regulations,” AG Rokita said. “Our legal victory in U.S. district court proves that our cause is justified and valid. We will continue fighting for free enterprise and individual liberty.”

The attorneys general filed the lawsuit in February.

“We all want to conserve and preserve our natural resources,” Attorney General Rokita said at filing. “At the same time, exercising wise stewardship over the environment does not require citizens to surrender their legitimate liberties and rights to the federal government. And, in fact, we cannot tolerate edicts designed to subjugate free people in such a manner.”

Click here to read the court order granting the preliminary injunction.

1 Comment on "AG Rokita wins round in defending state’s sovereignty against EPA"

  1. A great plan for the future ; lowering standards.
    The Hog Farm industry will rejoice, pity the ones who have wells that draw from the same aquifer.
    Short sided thinking in the name of ‘liberty’ is the hallmark of hypocrites like Rokita & Dullard Nation falls for it & every time.
    Meanwhile, some wonder why there’s such a significant brain drain of educated & talented young people leaving Indiana.

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