A little laughter, a lot of rain

From the Heart

They say that laughter is good for the soul. If so, then Chuck and I have happy souls.

Chuck has quite the wit and I have, well, quite the crazy stories for him to tell.

A few weeks ago Chuck called me after being out town for the day. It had rained cats and dogs and I think even a few mice that day.

Last year I had given Chuck a new rain gauge. It was a very nice one and he enjoyed checking the amount of rain collected in the glass tube.

Before he called me that evening I checked the gauge. I told him that we had received four and a half inches of rain that day.

There was a pause before he said, “Honey, are you sure about that?”

I assured him that was no exaggeration. He knows I sometimes elaborate on and enhance a story.

When he came in the back door, he had a sweet smirky smile on his face.

I asked why he had such a chuckle in his voice as he said “Honey, I’m home.” He said, “I checked the rain gauge and we did get four and a half … centimeters.”


Yes, he let me know that the gauge reads both in inches and centimeters. I had read the wrong side. Now why would a rain gauge sold in the United States have centimeters? That just adds up to not making any sense to me.

Math has never been my strength nor has science. English and Home Economics are where I made my best grades.

Chuck has had fun telling the story about our rain gauge.

I guess laughter is not only good for the soul but for a marriage. He can rest assured that there will be more stories to tell. He can count on that.