A letter to myself

From the Heart

Dear Janet,

At 63 you would think you would have it all together … but you don’t. And that’s okay.

You have come a long way but still have a ways to go. Keep going. Don’t let anyone or anything discourage you. Your mind is the greatest big bad wolf.

Never use your age as an excuse. Okay, use it as an excuse when you do not want to do something. Like hot yoga or running a marathon. Or bungee jumping.

Understand that it is okay not to be okay.

You can cry ugly tears, just buy lots of mascara. Your heart has become more tender with age. Allow it to feel more joy as well as sorrow. Tenderness tips over the “comfort and joy” bucket as well as the “I’ve had enough” bucket. Both produce tears. Let them flow.

If you are angry or hurt, figure out the reasons why. What can be done? What can you control? What can you change? Who can you avoid or delete from your life?

Walk away. You don’t need drama in your life. Don’t accept the invitation to the circus if it does not involve your monkeys.

If it involves your monkeys, you must decide whether to become part of the three-ring circus and attempt to become the ringmaster … or just stay in the audience and avoid the chaos. Choose wisely … after much prayer.

And speaking of prayer. Pray more. And if you want to hear from God, read His words. Can you really ever get too much of the Psalms? What about the 34th and 37th chapters? Aren’t those your go-to chapters when life gets messy and you are overwhelmed?

Do not try to figure everything out. It will work out. It may not be how you plan it or expect it … but it will be okay. Remember you history with God.

You spend too much time worrying. Read that again. Worry is a waste of time, energy and the joy of the moment. Aren’t you the one always telling others that God has got this? Hello!

There are things that are out of your control. You can’t gather the seeds of a dandelion any more than you can gather the opinions of others to your liking. In other words, let them go. Let them land where they may. They will be revealed in the fruit or the weeds they produce.

Live in the moment. If you look ahead with fear and trepidation you will miss so much beauty in the day. The sign you are seeing in your mind may say 72 miles until the road ends but look at the scenery before you get there. Who knows, you may find a beautiful detour.

You don’t have to keep score in what you achieve on a daily basis. If you do nothing but be kind to someone during the day you have made a difference. That is the total game changer.

Judge not. It’s that simple. You don’t know the battle someone is fighting. You don’t know where their shoes have been. And mostly, you don’t know their heart.

So much energy and time are wasted on what you cannot control. Let go! Take your hands as well as your heart off of it!

If someone does not like you it is their loss. You don’t have to prove your worth to anyone. Always remember you are enough!

If someone asks your opinion you do not have to give it. Silence is not only golden but in your best interest at times.

It’s okay just to sit and ponder. It’s not just okay, but you need to do it more often.

You can’t be everything to everyone. Trying to do so is like juggling, walking a tightrope and swinging on a trapeze, all at the same time. It does not work out well in the long run. You don’t always have a safety net.

I have much more to say to you but that will be another time, another day.

I have some pondering to do. I have some people who need to be shown a bit of kindness. I have a bit of quiet to enjoy.

So my friend and dear self, just know you are loved. And that will always be enough.

