Westfield reader: call local elected officials about Duke Energy rate increase request

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Dear Editor:

Duke Energy is currently in the process of requesting a $500 million per year rate increase and updating their 20-year plan to determine their fuel needs to serve their customers.

It has come to my attention that they are currently meeting with our elected representatives to discuss the rate case.

Keep in mind that:

  1. Duke is a monopoly utility. You do not have the freedom to get your electricity from anyone else.
  2. Duke only gets 9 percent of its energy from clean renewable resources. The rest comes from dirty fossil fuels which are contributing to the climate crisis.
  3. Duke’s rate structure forces those who use the least energy to pay the highest rates.
  4. Your elected officials are “elected” and we pay their salaries. If they are meeting with Duke, we need to let them know that these extreme bill increases will affect all our pocketbooks.

Speak up by contacting your mayor/city councilor to express your concerns, signing the petition at sc.org/dukeistheworst, and attending the public hearing being held at 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 27 at the Hamilton East Public Library, 5 Municipal Drive, in Fishers.

Monica Cannaley

1 Comment on "Westfield reader: call local elected officials about Duke Energy rate increase request"

  1. Mari Briggs | June 8, 2024 at 8:43 am |

    I would like to see examples of the rate structure showing higher rates for those who use “the least energy” on their bills(No 3). No praise for those who conserve on their electrical use.
    As for “dirty fossil fuels” being the main base support of our energy, Indiana is blessed to have the abundance of coal for our electricity. Winters in Indiana do not give us a lot of solar support for solar panels and the wind turbines are noisy and kill a lot of flying birds. There is a need to stop manufacturing so many dependent electrical devices and go back to mechanical and manual use.

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