TODAY: deadline is here for Portee Leadership Connection Scholarship

The Rotary Club of Carmel has announced the second annual Portee Leadership Connection Scholarship.

Due to the continued generosity of Danny Portee, this scholarship will again be made available to five students in central Indiana. The success of last year’s Leadership Connection in the community led The Rotary Club of Carmel to match Mr. Portee, so the size of each scholarship has doubled.

Eligible applicants must be a senior from one of the participating Leadership Connection High Schools. The Leadership Connection schools are located in both Carmel and Indianapolis. They include Carmel High School, Christel House Watanabe Manual High School (Indianapolis), and the ProAct Indy Program.

This scholarship will be awarded to five students and will include a laptop and $2,000 that can be used for tuition at a college, university, community college, or trade school.

Selection of the five scholarship recipients will be made by a review committee at Professional Management Enterprises, a nationally recognized staffing company based in Indianapolis led by Danny Portee. Scholarships will be awarded with equal emphasis on merit and need.

Students are required to explain why they desire to continue their education. They must state the college or trade school where they have been accepted. They also must provide a brief description of what a $2,000 scholarship and laptop would mean to them.

Application deadline for the scholarships is TODAY, March 15, 2024. Recipients will be notified no later than May 1, 2024. Recipients and one accompanying adult will be honored at the June meeting of the Rotary Club of Carmel with Danny Portee addressing the recipients and the Club.

To apply, contact Clarissa Nowlin at

Leadership Connection is a branded event of the Rotary Club of Carmel in partnership with iTeam Think Tank, Carmel-Clay Schools, Carmel Fire Department, Christel House Watanabe Manual High School, and Pro/Act Indy.

Since its inception in 2021, Leadership Connection has impacted more than 350 Carmel and Indianapolis inner-city high school juniors and seniors in tandem with 100 business, community, and non-profit executives and leaders.

The mission of Leadership Connection is “We connect today’s leaders to ignite future leaders in building a stronger community.”