Thank you, Coach Gilbert! You make a difference

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Dear Editor:

Every successful organization, group or team has great leaders. The Westfield football program is fortunate to have Jake Gilbert at the helm. His high school football program is much more than the X’s and O’s one sees on Friday night.

Through Coach Gilbert’s example and leadership, young people learn about becoming successful in life. They learn how to volunteer and give to others in need. They see that everyone is important. They see how people from diverse backgrounds with different viewpoints can come together and accomplish big things.

In today’s societal climate, it can be challenging to be a true leader. I am grateful for men like Coach Gilbert who are willing to put in countless hours, who pour themselves into young men and women just because their desire is to make a positive impact on others.

After a great state championship game but heart-wrenching loss, thank you Coach Gilbert and the entire Westfield football staff for using a game to not only have fun and give the community a reason to come together, but for the example you set with the love for others you continually exhibit.

That’s the true Win.

Tony Burtron
