Taylor’s Bakery owner asks Hamilton County to re-elect Mark Heirbrandt

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Dear Editor,

As a small business owner and resident in Hamilton County, I can say without reservation how remarkably lucky our community is to have Mark Heirbrandt as County Commissioner. I have operated Taylor’s Bakery in Hamilton County for 17 years, and thanks to Mark’s leadership, I look forward to many more.

No matter the challenge, Mark has always risen to the occasion. When I mentioned Taylor’s Bakery had specific hiring needs, Mark immediately put us in contact with leaders at Ivy Tech and within Hamilton County’s employment opportunities programs. This helped us fill the gap within the bakery and provide more jobs to people in our community.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit our county, Mark personally reached out to me, and many other local businesses, to encourage us to apply for small business assistance from the county. He not only genuinely cared about the massive challenge facing the business community, but he took action and helped us navigate the bureaucracy and road blocks in government.

Lastly, when we had an ongoing, unsolved drainage issue threatening property in our neighborhood in Fishers, Mark immediately stopped everything he was doing to help. He personally met with many residents in the neighborhood to discuss the issue, connected different levels of government including the municipal and county levels, and articulately communicated how we could work together to solve this issue.

We would be well served to re-elect Mark Heirbrandt as Hamilton County Commissioner this Election Day.

Drew Allen
