Sheridan school board urges voters to OK referendum

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To the voters of Adams and Marion townships:

We, the members of the Sheridan Community Schools Board of Trustees, ask you to support the school referendum that is on the ballot on Nov. 7.

This referendum is not an increase of taxation, but a continuation of the previous referendum approved in May of 2017. It allows us to provide our staff with competitive salaries and additional support.

Not all taxes designated for school support come back to our community. Hamilton County is considered a “donor county” and we receive back about 80 percent of the taxes allocated for SCS. The remainder is distributed to other school corporations by the state legislature.

As school board members, we get to see the great things that go on in our classrooms. We are fortunate to have quality teachers choosing to come to Sheridan and be a part of our school family. We have been able to attract and retain quality teachers by keeping our salaries competitive. Our school is a center pillar of Sheridan and brings so much positive recognition to our community. The recent 100th Homecoming Celebration was a tremendous outpouring of community participation. Over 150 people toured the high school/middle school building and the new fieldhouse facilities during that weekend and thousands participated in activities celebrating our rich history.

We indeed take pride in upgrading the appearance and increasing the efficiency of our present buildings. However, the core (or the soul) of this school system rests with its employees. Our schools are only as good as the people walking the halls, supporting and teaching your children, maintaining our facilities, guiding our financial decisions, transporting your children, feeding your children, and countless other responsibilities.

We want to have attractive facilities and school grounds, but if the inner core of our school system is not strong, we will not be successful in producing tomorrow’s leading citizens. To restate, this referendum is a request for a continuation of the support we have been able to provide for our teachers. We see it as an honor and a responsibility to continue this support in any way we can and appreciate your consideration of a YES vote on Nov. 7.

Sheridan Community School Board
John Hunt, President
Dan Fleming, Vice President
Nancy Boone, Secretary
Tyler Henning, Member
Kim Zachery, Member