Shaffer questions Christkindlmarkt numbers

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Dear Editor:

Carmel’s Christkindlmarkt officials claim 328,000 shoppers thronged the 37-day event last November and December.

That means 10,514 persons per day. Open five hours Wednesdays and Thursdays and nine hours each Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the Market would shuttle 1,168 or 2,103 bodies through the shopping space each hour.

Imagine marching five 200-member marching bands per hour through the Market each Wednesday and Thursday. Or, 10 or 11 every hour every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Non-stop.

Add in the cars and buses needed to deliver more than 1,000 or 2,000 bodies every single hour and the absurdity of yet another Carmel elitist claim becomes inescapable.

Christkindlmarkt propagandists either need a better estimator or a cold shower to restore sanity.

Bill Shaffer
