Shaffer in wonder of Brainard’s vast field of knowledge

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Dear Editor:

What do you call someone who gives an opinion on something beyond their knowledge?

A crepidarian.

What do you call someone who gives an opinion on everything beyond their knowledge?

An ultracrepidarian.

Finally, what do you call someone who hires press agents to arrange interviews all over the country to express opinions on everything beyond their knowledge?

The mayor of Carmel.

In 2020, while citizens were locked up at home, the mayor’s two press agents set up interviews relating to his views on climate change, Democrat candidates Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden, and roundabouts – all interviews unsupported by any hard evidence. Just opinions.

In 2021, he will pronounce the final word on dark matter, quantum computing, the price of tea in China and the consistency of magma in the Earth’s core.

Bill Shaffer
