September 12, 2001

From the Heart

Where were you on that morning after? You know, the day after 9/11?

It was the day our nation came together, one nation, under God.

I woke up with a sense of overwhelming sadness and disbelief? Did two planes, full of people, really crash into the Twin Towers in New York? I watched it, but …

So surreal.

The date of 9/11/2001 would be forever in my mind and heart. I would always remember where I was when my world was changed.

I remember the newscasters reporting what happened. I remember the look of terror and disbelief on their faces. They were trying to hold it together. We all were.

Time seemed to stand still that day. Businesses ceased to operate. We simply huddled around our televisions, watching and waiting, for whatever would be next. We hugged a lot. We made phone calls to our loved ones. We wanted to hear their voices.

Did a plane actually crash into the Pentagon? Did passengers aboard a jetliner force hijackers to crash into a field in Pennsylvania?

It just all seemed unbelievable. I remember waiting for the next tragedy to come across the newsfeed. “Please Lord, make it stop.”

First responders ran towards danger. We didn’t see black or white, we just saw the ashened faces of heroes. Some who ran towards danger never made it back home.

Kids were dropped off at daycare. Sadly, they were never picked up by their mom or dad. How was anyone able to explain that to a child?

A wife kissed her husband goodbye as they left for work. There would be no welcome back home later that day. Only one side of a bed would be occupied.

Phone calls were made. Messages were left on voicemail. A final “I love you” was recorded.

There was a fog of overwhelming sadness over our nation. I remember sitting in my living room and sobbing.

I still wipe tears as I hear the final words of the passengers on those flights. If it’s taught me anything it’s that I will never take my tomorrows for granted. I cherish today. I don’t leave feelings left unsaid.

I remember meeting in church, with friends, to pray for our nation. We prayed for safety. We sought God’s direction and guidance as we moved forward to know what to do.

We all hurt. We all prayed.

“Please Lord, heal our land. Please Lord, bring us comfort in the midst of so much uncertainty. Please Lord, give our leaders wisdom and guidance.”

To be honest, I miss the nation I saw on September 12, 2001.

I miss the “united we stand.” I see the sadness of “divided we fall.” I hate listening to the political rhetoric. I hate all the hate being voiced on social media.

I still believe we can be a nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. I have to believe it. It is my hope that we can become united … again. I hope it’s not a tragedy that brings us together.

Now, on September 12, 2020, I just pray the same prayer I prayed on September 12, 2001. “Please Lord…”