Reader asks you to tell Congress to remember farm conservation in climate change bill

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Dear Editor:

Congress is debating legislation to address climate change and infrastructure and Indiana’s Congressional delegation needs to ensure the legislation includes agricultural soil health.

By adopting climate-friendly farming practices like no-till, cover crops, and smarter livestock grazing, Indiana farmers can help turn the tide on climate change but also decrease flooding and erosion, improve water quality, and protect our fish and wildlife. This is a win all the way around.

Congress is considering an investment of $28 billion in farm and ranch conservation. That is a small portion of the climate and infrastructure package, but it would be a critically important investment in farm conservation.

Investments in climate-friendly farm practices store carbon in the soil rebuilding healthy soils, help and reduce expensive for fuel, fertilizers, and pesticides.

As Congress debates climate change and infrastructure legislation, it cannot afford to leave farm conservation behind. Please tell Congress what you think.

Jim Sweeney
