Psst . . . there’s something on your face!

Photo provided

Hamilton County Trustees regularly share information at monthly lunches, one of which was held on Thursday at the Jackson Township Trustee’s Office, 506 W. Main St., Arcadia. Guest speakers included Phil Mellencamp from Gleaners Food Bank as well as Brenda Myers and Sarah Buckner from Hamilton County Tourism. All of which is interesting, and none of which explains this photo.

To remind everyone that November is a month for raising awareness of men’s health issues, Jackson Township Trustee Robyn Cook arranged for a distinctly mustachioed photo. While many organizations opt for the “No-Shave November” observation of this month, we applaud Cook and friends for going with the more traditional Movember look.

If your groups are supporting either Movember or No-Shave November, you can let all our readers know by emailing