Premier Hospice is now Adoration Hospice

Premier Hospice is now Adoration Hospice.

The name change reflects the company’s commitment to provide compassionate care at the highest quality for patients with terminal illnesses and their families.

Locally, Adoration Hospice is located at 11550 N. Meridian St., Carmel.

Premier has been a part of the Adoration brand family for nearly two years. Adoration Hospice provides care in the comfort of home with services that include nursing care, chaplain, bereavement, volunteer, social work, and home care aides. With the transition, Adoration now operates in seven states – Alabama, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, and Virginia.  Part of the BrightSpring Health Services family of brands, Adoration’s services include individualized plans of care designed around the needs of the patient.

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