Powell to Supt. Bourff: Do you support Black Lives Matter?

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Dear Editor:

As a Lutheran pastor and as a possible nominee of the Libertarian Party for the United States Senate in 2022, I am again asking the HSE school district through its Superintendent a question.

On Tuesday April 20, 2021, the HSE District Newsletter was sent out to you, the families and staff of the District stating: “And so today, we affirm the following: Black Lives Matter…”

Since my commentary was published in the Hamilton County Reporter, I have heard from many HSE stakeholders who called my personal cell number, which can be found at ppsec.us.

Many told me they agree with my comments but are scared to respond publicly since their children are in school and they are afraid of repercussions. That is the role I am fulfilling – that of a questioning stakeholder. Friday, we received another weekly installment from Dr. Bourff defending the previous newsletter.

I thought his defense would have been something to the effect of, “You know, I didn’t know Black Lives Matter is a Communist front group and we as a district do not believe in that ideology. We, as Pastor Powell believes, are One Human Race and all lives matter – every shade of the human crayon.”

Alas, to my wonder, I read the April 30 newsletter and saw a response I would see on C-SPAN from a witness before a United States Senate Committee.

Don’t think, Allen, we didn’t notice your subtle shifting of blame for your Marxist support. According to the Superintendent, we were guilty of “MISCONCEPTIONS”; there is “NOTHING NEW” going on. In essence, Dr. Bourff is saying if you keep your eye on the ball … we’re teaching citizenship just like you folks went through, so don’t worry, we’re the experts here and we’ll indoctrinate … oops, teach YOUR kids what WE want and just try to do something about it.

Then the ball is passed … watch it in slow motion: “…our high schools that we are piloting content. Each building has taken a different approach to address the needs of their student population. We call it SEEL, because in the high schools, our equity coaches have partnered with the SEL coordinators to develop the content.”

Now that’s professional gobbledygook worthy of a six-figure salary.

So everything was like it was … except now it’s different … but don’t worry, be happy.

However, Dr. Allen Bourff, the question was, “Does HSE support the entity known as BLACK LIVES MATTER?” Yes or No?

Here’s a little Social Emotional Lesson for you, Doctor. The founders of Black Lives Matter are self-avowed Marxists.

Why does BLM and their supporters want to destroy American Christians, American families, American history? Because without those three pillars, our society crumbles and we are America in name only.

The patroness “saint” of BLACK LIVES MATTER is Assata Shakur. She was quoted in London over the weekend during the May Day Communist Parade speeches. In her autobiography, she writes, “Usually, after a disagreement, they [my comrades] suggested I read this or that, often Marx, Lenin, or Engels. I preferred Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il Sung, Che, or Fidel, but I ended up having to get into Marx and Lenin just to understand a lot of the speeches and stuff Huey Newton was putting out. It wasn’t easy reading, but I was glad I did it.”

Here is another Social Emotional Lesson: The Patroness of Black Lives Matter, Assata Shakur, KILLED New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster in 1973. Fidel Castro gave her political asylum in Cuba.

Where is the justice? Where is the peace for the Foerster family? Nowhere.

BLM IS A COMMUNIST FRONT GROUP, PERIOD. If you agree with their ideology, you are anti-God, anti-family and anti-justice.

If you disagree, let me know. We can debate this matter publicly. So the question is to the Hamilton Southeastern School District after our SEL time today: Do you support the entity known as Black Lives Matter? Yes or No.

The entire community is waiting upon your one-word response.

Pastor Mark J. Powell


3 Comments on "Powell to Supt. Bourff: Do you support Black Lives Matter?"

  1. Kristin Hussey | May 5, 2021 at 5:04 pm |

    I love this!! Thank you. You are always in my prayers!!

  2. J. Blakemore | May 5, 2021 at 6:44 pm |

    Yeah. I can see why he’s in your prayers. He needs God.

    I’d hate to be so damaged that MENTIONING the lives of another race mattered would prompt me to write a long, invective-filled editorial that makes accusations only proven through personal opinion. I’d also hate to be the pastor that has to face God after doing that.


  3. J. Blakemore | May 5, 2021 at 7:00 pm |

    I’d also like to note that Assata Shakur is not a member of BLM (which has no established hierarchy), has never been to a BLM protest and to call her a “patroness saint” (wow. Sexist much? Is Joan of Arc- an actual saint- a “patroness”?) is a serious grasp at straws.

    Reading communist writing in a FREE country is no more proof of communism than reading the Bible appears to make a truly hateful person Christ-like. You can scan something, study something, or live by something. We will know which you did by your walk.

    Your dislike of people is not proof of their evil. If you support a man who pays off prostitutes and porn stars as his wife is nursing, that doesn’t make him righteous. Your opinion doesn’t make one thing or the other true; no matter how loudly and angrily you say it. Nor does anyone have to answer to you… ever. That becomes particularly true when have unreasonable, biased and angry accusations masquerading as actual questions. And, no, it doesn’t matter where you ask that question.

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