Legacy fund to honor community “pillars”

Legacy Fund, the Central Indiana Community Foundation affiliate serving Hamilton County, announced today the debut of the Legacy Fund Community Pillar Awards aimed to honor individuals or corporations doing visionary…

Reader calls for more smoke-free venues

Dear Editor, July 1 marks the five-year anniversary of Indiana’s state smoke-free air law. This law was a milestone for the state of Indiana in protecting thousands of Hoosiers from…

Fred Troncone

November 11, 1975 – June 24, 2017 Fred Troncone, 41, of Westfield, passed away on Saturday, June 24, 2017 at St. Vincent Heart Center in Indianapolis. He was born on…

Citizens Academy accepting applications

Applications are being accepted for the Fall 2017 Sheriff’s Office Citizens Academy. The 12-week program, meeting on Thursday evenings from September through November, is a unique opportunity to learn firsthand…

Mascots vs. Peewees

  Indianapolis Colts mascot Blue and his NFL mascot friends hosted the second annual NFL Mascots vs. Peewees Charity Football Game Thursday at Carmel High School’s football stadium. Proceeds from…