Sheridan remembers Hobbs’ coaching era

Most of the reunions held at the Sheridan Public Library in the Community Room are family or class related, but once in a while something unusual is encountered. Last week…

And so, the healing begins . . .

From the Heart “Never daunted, we cannot falter, in the battle, we’re tried and true.” Noblesville High School students and graduates know those words as part of the school song….

A look at news from around the county

Indiana Landmarks Foundation has presented Hamilton County with their award for ‘Historic Preservation for Continued Use,’ naming the Courthouse as a best example of preserving a public building. The Courthouse…

96th Street, Keystone Parkway project underway

Major changes are coming to 96th Street and Keystone Parkway on Monday, June 4, as the long-awaited transformation of this busy intersection into a free-flowing, roundabout interchange kicks off. Construction…