Noblesville voter: Shonkwiler’s dedication & vision make her the best candidate

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Dear Editor:

I’m writing to express my support of Alaina Shonkwiler as Indiana’s next State Representative for House District 29.

Alaina is running in the Republican Primary on May 7 to fill the seat currently held by Representative Chuck Goodrich, who is running for the 5th Congressional seat.

I’ve known Alaina since we were both sixth graders at the now Noblesville East Middle School. For over 30 years, I’ve admired how her integrity and authenticity resonates with everyone she meets. She’s a natural born leader that brings people together to solve complex problems. Alaina is exactly what our community needs in our Statehouse!

Alaina is an experienced and successful leader. She has the humility and common sense to represent the conservative values of this community in ways that bring people together. Alaina takes time to invest in our community through her volunteerism and participation on countless boards and organizations. Through her time with the City of Noblesville, Noblesville Schools, and the organizations she serves, she grasps the intricacies of the local impact of policy matters and is keen to find innovative solutions for our community. Alaina has real world experience working with local government and will deliver for all of us as her constituents.

One aspect of Alaina’s candidacy that particularly resonates with me is her advocacy for the business community. She understands that fostering an environment that encourages our existing businesses to grow and expand, as well as new businesses to choose to move to Noblesville is vital to the long-term economic success of our community. Alaina is a staunch supporter of policies that foster a conducive environment for businesses to thrive, and her genuine support for talent attraction and retention efforts within local industries is commendable. I can personally attest that companies choose our community over our neighbors because of leaders like Alaina.

Our community continues to experience unprecedented growth and development. We need young, energetic, and engaged leaders that recognize the challenges of this generation and the generations that will follow, while embracing the values of our past. We need community leaders, such as Alaina, that will apply their strong conservative values to help solve problems in ways that don’t divide communities and bring embarrassing press.

Alaina is actively raising a family in our community. Her children attend Noblesville Schools. Her husband, Jason, is a Noblesville Police Department Sergeant who serves as a School Resource Officer. Alaina is subjected daily to the many challenges facing our youth and understands that such drastic actions as implementing censorship policies on books are not the conservative principles that will solve today’s problems. True conservatives don’t use an eraser, but instead use their position as leaders to educate, influence and promote the values we hold so dear.

As a fellow community member and staunch conservative, I ask that you strongly consider voting for Alaina Shonkwiler for House District 29. Her dedication to serving our community and her vision for the future make her the BEST candidate for State Representative. This is why I wholeheartedly endorse Alaina and encourage you to join me in supporting her campaign.

Greg Conner