Noblesville voter grateful Forgey has decided to serve his community

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Dear Editor:

There is nothing so beneficial to a community as a smart citizenry who care.

Dr. Joe Forgey was a successful professional for decades and has every right to retire to some tropical beach, where his biggest headache is a tee time. Instead, he has chosen to stay involved, and to give back to this community by leveraging his experience, his expertise, and his leadership on the Noblesville School Board.

I write today to enthusiastically support Dr. Joe Forgey for Noblesville School Board, with as much enthusiasm as he brings to the task at hand.

I met Dr. Forgey eight years ago, when my husband and I bought our home in Noblesville. We were living across the country and chose Noblesville on a map based on location and schools. We had the good fortune to move in next door to his daughter, which also makes him our neighbor. I remember thinking at the time what a good sign it is when generations of a family want to invest in the same community – it must be a great place to live.

Today, we have lived in Noblesville for eight years, our eldest attends Hinkle Creek and our youngest will enroll there in August. I’ve found that working the Forgey name into conversation is met with kind smiles and familiar refrains of “of course!” all over Noblesville. He even mentored my dentist on how to be a dentist. I mention that not because the School Board is a popularity contest, but because Joe Forgey and his family have gone out of their way to benefit and befriend members of this community for decades. He brings the context of a long history of being involved in Noblesville to every school board meeting.

Dr. Forgey also brings the pragmatism and experience of owning a successful small business in this community for decades. Any small business owner knows that you must invest today to grow tomorrow, and that you have to plan for contingencies along the way. Your paycheck isn’t guaranteed unless you earn it each week. That’s the same thinking we need at the School Board: build upon success, invest for the future, all while keeping a close eye on the budget.

Today, School Board members must be able to stay focused on the task at hand despite a barrage of distractions from outside agitators and misinformation. Joe Forgey showed all of us during the last two years that he would remain focused on the immediate task at hand: safety, sound science, commonsense solutions to make the most out of a volatile situation for which there was no play book. We are going to need more of that in years to come as folks along the fringes try to roil up controversy. Joe Forgey will work to give our kids a world class education in our growing community.

I’m grateful that Dr. Forgey is willing to stick around and talk about metrics and budgets when he could have left town for margaritas and beaches. Dr. Forgey’s on the bleachers, cheering on his grandkids and he’s in the classroom, demonstrating that Real Men Read. I’m hopeful that my own kids will benefit from his leadership, graduate from Noblesville Schools, and one day they will look at a map and realize that Noblesville is a great place to live.

Please join me in voting for Dr. Joe Forgey for the Noblesville School Board.

Samantha Miller, Ph.D.

1 Comment on "Noblesville voter grateful Forgey has decided to serve his community"

  1. Lawrence F. Snair III | October 14, 2022 at 11:16 pm |

    While Samantha’s comments and input is appreciated, I feel I must add my thoughts as a decades long resident who is a parent who had 2 children attend 1st thru 12th experience Noblesville schools. I didn’t find any of her comments very helpful or informative which help me make an informed decision on my vote. Her comment about the choice isn’t a popularity contest, followed by several examples of how popular he is again not informative. Stating he keeps an eye on the budget could mean a huge bloated budget, or a rational budget that balances the priority of taxpayers and the wants of our education needs. Again, no information can be gleaned from keeping an eye on the budget. as a grandparent I know I could also spend my time on a sunny beach, but I to choose to spend my time remaining where my family resides. Again not information voters can use to make a smart decision. Her comment accusing others of “roiling up controversy” only peaks interest of what controversy and is it relevant. I personally found her statement “despite a barrage of distractions and misinformation from outside agitators and misinformation” concerning. Mr. Forgy was appointed 2 years ago and the electorate should look closely at why him. Socially connected individuals should be scrutinized as serving the people should not be about who you know to be appointed to an elected position. I will close with my name and leave out my educational and professional letters below my name as it is relevant. Please research those you vote for and if you aren’t sure of someone, leaving that vote blank is OK. Joe may be your choice, but maybe not. Vote smart as Samantha recommended.

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