Noblesville Schools screens “Screenagers”

Noblesville Schools invites the community to join us as we host a viewing of the movie “Screenagers” from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 20 in NHS Auditorium, 18111 Cumberland Road, Noblesville.

This important documentary, produced by an award-winning filmmaker, physician and mom, reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and also offers solutions on how adults can empower their kids to best navigate the digital world to find balance.

The most pervasive parenting issue of our time is addressed head on — depicting teen struggles over social media, video games and internet addiction. The film empowers kids to best navigate the digital world and provides practical resources to help them do it.

For more information, including the movie trailer, visit:

The event is free and open to the public. All Noblesville Schools parents and students grades 6 to 12 are encouraged to attend.